Queen Makeda by De Melaku Bookshop

The time for forgiveness is over. Three little girls must grow and step forward. This is war. The Great Dragon continues his master plan to end Mankind. Prophetess Jiji, Queen Makeda, and Raven must lead their family and more through the Tribulation...

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Precious LTL; LIFE TIME LOVE by DE MELAKU Bookshop

Nyra, Hannah, Helen, Michael Darren, and Easy are in deep grief after the losses of Ryan, Selamawit, and their Gigi. So are Colin, Meseret, and Angela. Michael Darren is the Second Key. He must save their family against the Great Beast’s war on them...

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Ryan’s Loves by De Melaku Bookshop

Ryan is born unwelcome. This is Ryan’s young life until he is killed by his parents. Selamawit saves him. Selamawit is the First Key. He is reborn to his Nama. His life continues in the streets of Watts. He meets Selamawit on a double date with Coli...

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